Weekly Timetable (w/c 13th November)

Congratulations to everyone that competed in the Warwick comp this past weekend! It was a really fun and fulfilling day for the team, for those still interested in joining the team please speak to one our lovely TCs Alex or Aayushi. In the meantime feel free to join our team page 😊😊


Monday 13th November:

🪩 Social Class: Waltz - collab w/ Craft Soc (6-7pm, Deb Hall, £2)

🪩 Rock n Roll with Craig ( 7-8pm, Deb Hall,  £4)

🪩 Offbeat practice (8-9pm, Deb Hall)

If you come to both sessions, it’s only £5!

Tuesday 14th November:

💃🏻Private lessons with Jackie (Dance Studio, emails have been sent out!)

📢 If you are looking for a partner for Manchester comp, please come to the classes!

🪩 Beginners Ballroom & Latin (6-7pm, Deb Hall, £4)

🪩 Novice Ballroom (7-7:45pm, Deb Hall, £3)

🪩 Novice Latin (7:45-8:30pm, Deb Hall, £3)

🪩 Intermediate/Advanced Ballroom (8:30-9:15pm, Deb Hall, £3)

🪩 Intermediate/Advanced Latin (9:15-10pm, Deb Hall, £3)

If you come to both novice classes or both inter/adv classes, it’s only £5!

Wednesday 15th November:

🪩 Acro rock n roll (8:00-9:30pm, Revolution Selly Oak)

Tickets can be found on this link:

HOME | revolution

Thursday 16th November:

🪩 Fitness and Conditioning class (7-8pm, Deb Hall, Free)

Friday 17th November:

✨Beginners Practice (6-7pm, Dance Studio)

✨Open Practice (7-10pm, Dance Studio)

Saturday 18th November:

❗Leicester Comp❗️

⚠️Due to a lack of committee members, we cannot hold this practice session ⚠️