Timetable 30/09/2024

Hi everybody, hope you've all had a lovely Summer! With Freshers Week over we now have access to Guild rooms again and we're looking forward to welcoming you all back to the usual timetable. We have a full week of taster sessions that we would like to invite all new and returning members to come to, so we hope to see as many of you there as possible!

All of our tasters are completely free so please invite as many friends and flatmates as you'd like to come too!

!!! Practice this week will be Ballroom first !!!

Monday 30th:

Rock and Roll Taster Class 7:00-8:00 in the Underground

Tuesday 1st:

Privates with Jackie in the Deb Hall

Novice Taster Class 6:00-7:30 in the Deb Hall

Inter/Advanced Taster Class 7:30-9:00 in the Deb Hall

Wednesday 2nd:

First Sports Night of the Year! The theme this week is Dress as your Childhood Dream Career! Full info about pres will be announced on the Sports Night group chat on our whatsapp community!

Thursday 3rd:

Beginner Taster Class 1 6:00-7:00 in the Underground

Beginner Taster Class 2 7:00-8:00 in the Underground

Due to the high number of sign ups we've decided to split the Beginner Taster Class into two groups to make sure we have room for everybody in the Underground. More details about this will follow soon!

Friday 4th:

Beginners Practice 6:00-7:00 in the Underground

Open Practice 7:00-9:45 in the Underground

Due to changes in Guild rules regarding room booking times, we've unfortunately had to shorten Friday Open Practices by 15 minutes this year.

Saturday 5th:

Beginners Practice 12:00-1:00 in the Deb Hall

Open Practice 1:00-4:00 in the Deb Hall

Notices for new members:

We run private lessons with our coach Jackie on Tuesdays from 11am–6pm, which you can get by filling in a form that is released on the facebook group and on the website, usually on Wednesdays.

Beginners practices are open to only beginners. They are a committee-led practice session where beginners can practice steps and routines in a more comfortable environment. All beginners are also more than welcome at open practice as well.

If you are unfamiliar with the class categories, here is a quick description:

Beginners – anyone who has never danced Ballroom or Latin before.

Novice – people who have previous experience with Ballroom and Latin and are looking to learn more restricted syllabus steps.

Intermediate/advanced – for people with a lot of experience or have competed at a high level.