These are the syllabus steps for the Quickstep, as listed in the British Dance Council Rulebook here.
Videos are by Ballroom Guide, Egils Smagri and Andy Wong - many thanks for these excellent resources! Step descriptions can also be found on Ballroom Guide here.
R: Right
L: Left
PP: Promenade Position
Quarter Turn to R
Quarter Turn to R
Progressive Chasse
Progressive Chasse
Natural Turn (at a corner)
Natural Turn (at a corner)
Natural Turn with Hesitation
Natural Turn with Hesitation
Natural Pivot Turn
Natural Pivot Turn
Natural Spin Turn
Natural Spin Turn
Progressive Chasse to R
Progressive Chasse to R
Forward Lock
Forward Lock
Backward Lock
Backward Lock
Reverse Pivot
Reverse Pivot
Tipple Chasse to R
Tipple Chasse to R
Tipple Chasse to R (after 1-3 Natural Turn at corner)
Tipple Chasse to R after 1-3 Natural Turn at corner