Leicester Friendly 2021 - Match Report
A belated congratulations and thank you to everyone who came to Leicester! We are very proud of all of you and are thankful to have such a great team!

Our first competition of the 2021-22 season, Leicester Friendly, took place on Saturday 6th November at the Braunstone Leisure Centre, Leicester. While the competition was smaller than usual - we can thank Covid for that! - our friends at Leicester Dancesport put on a fantastic event as always. It was a privilege for myself and Katie to captain our team and we are excited for the upcoming competitions!
For many of you, it was your first time competing in a dance competition. Every one of you did us all proud - remember that you have been dancing for only six short weeks! We hope that the family system was a success and that we made your first competition a comfortable and fun experience. All of our Beginner couples should be proud of their performance!
To our Novices: it has been a long time since many of you have danced or competed but you brought the best that Birmingham has to offer. Many of you have only joined us recently but your energy and spirit carried the team forward throughout the day. Above all, your support for our new Beginners throughout the day made us immensely proud. Many of you are dancing in a new category for the first time too but we would not know this from your performances!
Our more experienced dancers - in Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate and Advanced - were exemplary throughout the day both in their events and in their support for their team! We all achieved some fantastic results in our events, and I'm sure you are all as happy to be back competing as we are. As always, you all proved an inspiration to our newer team members and we are proud to have all of you on our team.
It was great to see so many of you get involved in the Fun Dances and we had some fantastic results! Well done to everyone who took part, especially if it was your first time!
The day concluded with the usual Team Match. With several other strong teams in attendance, we faced strong competition, but were very proud to take home the win for Birmingham!

Overall it was a great start to the competition season, and we are excited to be attending Warwick on 20th November and Nottingham on 28th November, and of course for our own Birmingham Friendly Competition on 29th January!